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domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

The war

The humanity has seen a lot of wars. And a reason is always there: the intolerance. When we simply didn't accept that somebody could have another way of thinking or another culture. We need to respect each other.
In this war against Israel and Hamas we can identify this intolerance. But this situation won't have a solution as the Hamas didn't accept the State of Israel. How we can expect any comprehension from the Israeli while their enemies want to destroy them.
I agree that a Palestinian State must be created. They also need a land to grow their kids, to have a future and hope. But, we can't forget they chose the Hamas' ideology. They knew about the consequences when they voted Hamas. This group have never deny their plans to exterminate the enemy.
A war was unavoidable. When Hamas begun its goverment, they didn't have any experience on doing this. They were used to fight, they were prepared to be the resistence. But now is different. They must deal with civilians, their own people. The people they must protect. Off course, they have did a lot of mystakes. They arrested innocent people, their armed police has been violent, and now a lot of people in Gaza are unhappy with Hamas administration. They have been carring out various protest against the government and the leaders answer with more violence.
So, they needed to create a situation to get the people's trusting back again. They needed a enemy in common. So they attacked Israel.
The strategy worked very well. They managed to put not even the Palestinians against Israel, but almost the entyre world. But all this have a price to pay. We have been seeing this price everyday in the news. Civilians have been killed, children have been killed. The hopeless is back again.
We can ask why. One more time we get one answer back: because of intolerance. It will be a great effort from every country to get a cease-fire. After this, the world have to go further in the search for peace, the intolerance must be defeat.

sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

The choices

Everyday we have to make decisions. Since we come into this world we have to face them. Some are easy, but another are difficulties. And our future is going to change deeply when we make the hard decisions.
In this time we don't know what to do. We usually take a lot of days to get a conclusion, when we get one. Sometimes we just let the life chose for us. And this is bad, because we to manage our lives. 
The most boring part of chosing a path is that we have no idea what would be if we had chosen the other. Would it be better or not? Would I be happier? But every coin have two faces, and in this case wouldn't different. Since we don't the other path we can not be totally regret. Even if we are not happy with the choice we made, it could be worst the other one, how could you know?
The life become more interesting because of that. We will never know how our life would be if we didn't accept that job, if we went travel instead of being here, if we got married or had some kids.
So the only thing we know for sure is that we need to enjoy the life whenever we can.

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

Higher or lower

For all investors in stocks the end of 2008 was a blessing. The memories of the downturn in markets around the world still scare them. But now, what is next? It is a big question, and who dares to answer it, probably only the crazier person in the economy world.
January is the guesser's month. The fortune tellers with their cards and all sorts of reading the future are in the tv, saying what is going to happen to celebrities, politics, leaders and all the important people - the news makers. But about economy, about stocks: not one word.
Moreover, it is hard to predict the new stocks movement. There is a lot of variables that affect their prices. When you think you are in a high tendency, the bullish time, suddenly the prices come down and your profits are gone.
However, there are some people who take this risk. They study the stocks movement through graphics, and they say that the prices show some standard behavior all the time. Even though, they did the right prognostic in few ocasions, and 90% of them is always against the tendency.
So, what is the right thing to do? When the market is increasing, you buy, when the market is falling, you sell. Sounds easy? Do not fool yourself, it is not. But you have to wait for the market signals, then you get inside. You will lose a little in the beggining, but your chance to make money will be much higher.

sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2009

What expect about Obama's administration.

      The entire world celebrated the Obama's election. This is a hope for a lot of people, but is it really a change? Someone thinks that he is a different american, there is some who assign this to an american defeat. But this is not true. He will defend the United States point of view, their exterior politics will not change very much.
      He promissed to bring back the soldier from Iraq and close the Guantanamun prison. The most of the US population expected that, at least the first one. Many of families want their sons back, they aspire for no more deaths. But it is not going to happen soon. They can not simply runnaway from Iraq, like they did in Vietnan, and left all the caos that remains there. They need an exit plan, wich will be executed as the time pass by, not instantaneously.
       We can expect a large change in the US economy. After the terrible Bush's adminstration in this area, the president elected will have to drive the country to another direction. The austerity will increase because is necessary to decrease the current defict. The crisis is beggining and he has to act very fast to control it, a big plan to defeat the recession is a priority.
        Therefore, one thing is for sure - the new american administration will face big troubles. It is not going to be easy times for Obama. But everybody hopes he could bring the change, the new era, mostly in the way the world sees the US today. They need to be seen like an ally not an enemy.

quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2009

No peace in sight

The war between Israel and Palestin continues. After a period of cease-fire, the conflit had another beggining. And the history repeats: Israeli blaming the Palestinian and vice versa. All around the world people protest and ask for peace, just like the other times. But we can only blame one thing for this - the intolerance.
Since the Israeli State was created, all the other countries in region did not accepted the new neighbours. The fighting for the Holyland has been increased and someone of them, like Iran, just want to exterminate the jewels. Another fact that raised this intolerance is the Israel's partner: the United States. Or, how they are called, the imperalists.
Why is so difficult to share? Everybody could have your own space to live. There is land for all. But an agrement is so far that takes away the hope and the chance for a peace time. No one seems to be able to make concessions, then the brutality takes place.
It is not necessary to blame anyone. The respect for other's choices could be a way to put an end in this confict. A little of diplomacy is required to help to find one solution. But, before all, a change inside everyone who lives and leads the Middle-East have to happen. They need to want this change, and this is the end of the intolerance.